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Join as Authentia Friend!

As an Authentia Friend (donation fee for a calendar year: € 18 paid by a deposit in our bank account), you have access to the Friend package:

  • You can participate for free in all our workshops and lectures
  • You will receive a discount for our parties and events
  • You will join a network of alumni technocrats that assist each other
  • We will provide you with relevant information related to your coming, staying and integrating
    in the Netherlands
  • Together we will create links between UT and Greek/Cypriot universities in order to facilitate
    knowledge and student exchange
  • We will provide you with insights and experiences of alumni on how to navigate in the Dutch
    job market of academia, industry or how to start your own organization
  • You can find the articles of association and the terms and conditions of a membership here

But most importantly:

  • You will meet other academically trained scholars, with whom you can brainstorm,
    participate in think-tanks, business and academic challenges and start initiatives together to
    realize them in Netherlands and/or Greece
  • You will support our non-profit, non-partisan foundation, which is led by voluntary alumni of
    UTwente, like you will be one day, and is therefore dependent on subsidies from its
    members (e.g., to create scholarships for incoming Greek or Cypriot students that may have
    limited financial capacity)

Thus, if you want to support Authentia as a Friend, please fill in this form online. If it does not work send an mail to: or contact us via our website.

Do you want to be more actively involved in Authentia? Join the Authentia student board!

Would you like to become more actively involved in our foundation, e.g. by organizing events, representing and informing other Greeks? We are always looking for enthusiastic new board members like you! A board position boosts your CV. If you would like to join our team, send us an email and we will contact you!

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