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Leveraging Entrepreneurship for Diversity Acquisition

Currently, there are more than one hundred Greek nationals at the University of Twente. The percentage of Greeks that even dared to make an attempt into an entrepreneurial trajectory is disturbingly low, and when gender was inserted as a criterion, the number of female Greek entrepreneurs dropped to 0%.

According to research, Greece scores second to last in the GEI index among EU countries[1], and last in the EU gender equality index, especially in the power and employment metrics, according to the European Institute for Gender equality (EIGE)[2].

We asked ourselves “What is holding us back?”

Turns out it’s complicated! Especially for entrepreneurship, there are character traits that increase or decrease the chance to take the leap, such as risk-taking, responsibility, altruism, independence and a list of other character traits.
We have initiated project LEDA to study what are the cultural and gender inhibitions in entrepreneurial intention.
We have secured funding from the University of Twente diversity fund, to identify the cause of this disparity and in the next weeks, we will be showing what we have been up to the last 3 months.

Stay tuned and together we can find what is it that holds us back, so we can change towards a better version of ourselves!

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