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My name is Agathi Merdi born and raised in Agrinio, Greece (1991). I completed a MSc degree in Business IT at the University of Twente and I am currently working as a DevOps engineer in the financial and insurance services industry in the Netherlands. I am also one of the 5 co-founders and directors of the Non-profit Organization Authentia, in the role of the Director of Integration.

Authentia was created with the aim of connecting Greek scholars by establishing a network that operates within academia and industry. As Director of Integration, in accordance to my work in the IT field, and having observed the importance of getting guidance tailored to the needs of international students, my role in the foundation is to facilitate the seamless integration of our members in the Dutch society.

This role aims to empower more Greek women to enter the world of business and STEM. We operationalize this idea by giving them the chance to gain a partial scholarship for a technical program of their choice at the University of Twente or by the opportunity to turn an innovative idea into a startup.

If you are interested in supporting our cause by becoming a member, do not hesitate to contact me ( or Linkedin) and express all your thoughts and questions you may have.

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