My name is Inga Maria Giorgadze, born in Tbilisi, Georgia and raised in Serres, Greece. I am an MSc graduate from the Construction Management & Engineering Department of the University of Twente, and currently, I am an EngD Candidate in the same department. I have joined the Authentia Foundation under the role of Director of Connection.
Having experienced the transition from living in Greece to studying, and later, working in the Netherlands, my motive as a Director of Connection is to share my experience and help new arriving Greek scholars. Moving to a new country involves several everyday cultural challenges as well as complex practicalities unknown to the majority of incoming people. With a series of articles about tips on how to adjust to your new life and a series of social events to get to know each other, we will try to welcome you onboard.
If you want to join our team and support the Directory of Connection by helping with sharing your experience and with the organization of events contact me directly at or send an email to